Surface brightness distributions of four Seyfert galaxies based on multi-aperture UBV photometryстатья
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Дата последнего поиска статьи во внешних источниках: 18 июля 2013 г.
Аннотация:An analysis of surface brightness distributions for the four Seyfert galaxies NGC 3515, NGC 4151, NGC 5548, and NGC 7469 based on multi-aperture UBV photometry is presented. Both new photometric data and data from the literature are used. The traditional method for decomposing the surface brightness distribution into components gives very large scatters in the estimates for the bulge and disk parameters. The surface brightness distributions are modeled using functions of the form mu(r) = a + br + cr^1/n, where n = 2 or 4. The resulting models are used to calculate the galaxy brightnesses in different apertures taking into account a `boundary' condition: the calculated brightness in a given aperture must not exceed the minimum total brightness for the variable source and surrounding galaxy observed in this aperture. The models with n = 2 satisfy this `boundary' condition better, while models with n = 4 yield galaxy brightnesses that are too high. The observed variety and behavior of the color indices near the centers of the galaxies are associated with specific features in each of the galaxies, and provide evidence for the presence of star formation.