Аннотация:In this study, the results of a year research in the field of Arctic ecology will be considered. This research tookplace in different islandic territories of Arctic, such as Franz-Joseph Land, Novaya Zemlya, Svalbard, Iceland,Faroe islands. All of these islands are located in the western sector of Eurasian Arctic. In summer 2017 I tookmoss samples on several islands: Franz-Joseph Land (Heiss, Alger, Hooker islands), Novaya Zemlya (capeZhelaniya on Northern island), Faroe islands (Sandoy, Mykines, Vágar, Streymoy). Also I have samples that weretaken in Svalbard (with help of glaciology students in July, 2017) and Iceland's samples data (taken earlier byMSU research group).The main goal of this investigation is deep analysis of spatial distribution of aerotechnogenic pollutants in Arcticand mapping it. Knowing the pollution values can help to investigate what affects the ecosphere of theseislandic territories.The main moss samples are mostly represented by following species: Tomentyphnum nitens, Sphagnum,Flavocetraria, Calliergon, etc. All of them have gone through the process of atomic absorption spectrometryanalysis which is a procedure for the quantitative determination of chemical elements using the absorption ofoptical radiation by free atoms in the gaseous state. This type of analysis is considered as one of the most-usedtype of bioindication.The results of this research will be represented in Moscow State University in may, 2018.