Analysis of the Interstellar Matter at the Periphery of the Supershell Surrounding the Cyg OB1 Association in 2.12 Micron Molecular Hydrogen LineстатьяИсследовательская статья
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Дата последнего поиска статьи во внешних источниках: 15 февраля 2024 г.
Аннотация:We present observations of the vdB 130 cluster vicinity in a narrow-band filter centered at a 2.12μm molecular hydrogen line performed at the Caucasus Mountain Observatory of the Lomonosov Moscow State University. The observations reveal an H2 emission shell around vdB 130, coincident with a bright infrared shell, visible in all Spitzer bands. Also, numerous H_2 emission features are detected around infrared Blobs E and W and in the vicinity of a protocluster located to the east of the shell, in a tail of a cometary molecular cloud. H_2 emission in the vicinity of the vdB 130 cluster is mostly generated in well-developed H II regions and is of fluorescent nature. In the protocluster area, isolated spots are observed, where H2 emission is collisionally excited and is probably related to shocks in protostellar outflows. Obtained results are discussed in the context of possible sequential star formation in the vicinity of the vdB 130 cluster, triggered by the interaction of the expanding supershell surrounding the Cyg OB1 association with the molecular cloud and an associated molecular filament.